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Retrogaming Consoles You Should Definitely Try

Experience the magic of retro gaming with our handpicked selection of classics and hidden gems!

Eiyuden Chronicle: Hundred Heroes - A Legendary Revival Of Suikoden’s Magic

Dive into the enchanting world of Eiyuden Chronicle, the spiritual successor to Suikoden. Rediscover the magic!

Classic Controllers: From Excellent To Exceptional

We’re talking about the gaming controllers that got many of us (and our parents) into console gaming. The same controllers that are built on memories and nostalgia. With that being said, let’s touch on some of the excellent controllers that you probably resonate with…

Explore the World of Japanese Retro Gaming! Five Ideas for Collectors

With collaboration with Nook Gaming, they delve deeper about retro video games that did not leave Japan, and some recommendations on how to get them with ZenMarket. If you are an avid retro game collector, this is definitely a must read!

Best Gameboy Models: [Complete Gameboy Guide]

Interested in finding the best Gameboy Models as well as some of the rarest Gameboys? Check out our helpful guide which includes a buyer's guide to the rare variants of Gameboys!

Is The Gameboy Dead: [A Complete Guide To Gameboys]

Interested in knowing if the Gameboy is dead? Check out our blog with the complete guide to Gameboys, rare variants, repairs, as well as a buyers' guide!

7 Japanese Exclusive Game Consoles that Didn't Make it Overseas

Here are 7 Japanese exclusive game consoles that you won't find outside of Japan!
Article | 27/10/2020 | gamesgamingGame

Pikachu Illustrator Card Sells for Record $233,000

A single Pokémon card sold for a whopping $233,000 earlier this month on ZenPlus, making it the most expensive sale in existence. Find out more about this card here.
News | 22/07/2020 | gamingAnimezenplus

Which Came First: Pokémon Anime or Games? (Anime Facts)

Arguably the most successful video game franchise of all time, in this article, we will answer the age-old question of which came first: the Pokémon anime or game series?
Article | 22/06/2020 | Animegaming

History of Animal Crossing (A Helpful Guide)

There are 8 main Animal Crossing games in the series so far. Take a nostalgic look back at what came before. How many of these games have you played?
Article | 10/06/2020 | gaming