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New Low Cost Shipping Method - FedEx LowCost

New shipping method for cheaper express parcels bound for Asia. Say hello to FedEx LowCost today!
News | 17/04/2023 |

[WINNERS] ZenMarket's 9th Birthday Giveaway

It's that time of year again. That's right, it's ZenMarket's birthday! This year ZenMarket is turning 9, so we're doing a giveaway. Show off your blue ZenMarket stuff to go into the draw to win some awesome prizes.
Article | 14/04/2023 |

Buy Scolar and win 5000 Yen!

Join our ZenMarket x ScoLar giveaway and win 5000 JPY in ZenMarket funds!
Article | 11/04/2023 | ZenMarketGiveawayScolarClothing

[Winners] ZenMarket x Cyber Bunny Easter Giveaway

We partnered with Cyber Bunny to give you guys an Easter Giveaway!
Article | 09/04/2023 |

5 Places To Visit During Golden Week

Golden Week is a holiday period varying from 7 to 10 days in April and May. Here we'll introduce you to our top 5 places to visit during Golden Week. 

How to Order Japanese Music Equipment from Digimart Japan

Digimart is Japan's largest online marketplace specifically for new & used musical instruments and music production equipment. In our guide we walk you through how you can order the best equipment directly from Digimart Japan using ZenMarket.