Kunden-Feedback & Bewertungen

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Name Datum Stadt Feedback Bewertung Sendungsverfolgung Paketinhalt
NameCorn Datum07.06.2024 StadtHoofddorp FeedbackI got everything no problem! Bewertung
5 out of 5
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NameSenpai ThePanda Datum07.06.2024 StadtVerborgene Informationen FeedbackFast shipping, good cards. Very happy. Bewertung
5 out of 5
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Name Datum07.06.2024 StadtVerborgene Informationen FeedbackAnother good experience with ZenMarket! I've used other proxy services but ZM has been the only one I have had consistent luck with per-ordering items, and just purchasing items from other websites in general. I'm really satisfied with my experience and will continue to order through ZM for the foreseeable future. Bewertung
5 out of 5
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NameDewi Djohan Datum06.06.2024 StadtVerborgene Informationen FeedbackHello!
First of all, package well received. Thanks.
Was in fact quite surprised when delivery came and saw the box.
Just wondering if the normal packaging used for all the shipment by Zenmarket is using any recycled box instead of new box by Zenmarket? And for the stuffing to secure the item inside were all those old crushed newspaper and phamplets, NOT the styrofoam beads/balls?
I was expecting something better than what I have seen/received.
Thank you.
4 out of 5
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NameTea Datum06.06.2024 StadtLivingston Feedbackso so adorable and soft!! i’m so glad i managed to get my hands on this. the shipping was pretty fast considering it came all the way from japan. thank you so much🥹💕 Bewertung
5 out of 5
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NameDi Datum06.06.2024 StadtVerborgene Informationen FeedbackZenmarket was so quick to respond to my purchase request that I was able to get a very in-demand item after weeks of futile trying with other proxies! I was very impressed and grateful. Everything was handled efficiently, the system was easy to use, and they kept me updated every step of the way. Thanks!! Bewertung
5 out of 5
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NameGeorge Calinescu Datum06.06.2024 StadtLondon FeedbackAs always excellent service form ZenMarket, easy becoming my favourite place to shop, excellent communication everything is made easy and pleasant, seamless experience. Bewertung
5 out of 5
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NameJessica Bui Datum06.06.2024 StadtVerborgene Informationen Feedbackas described!! Bewertung
5 out of 5
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NameShaun K Datum06.06.2024 StadtSingapore Feedbackitems received very quick and not damaged, would buy again definitely! Bewertung
5 out of 5
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NameWhoPao Datum06.06.2024 StadtMalabon City FeedbackAll the items arrived safe and not broken Bewertung
5 out of 5
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NameMR Kimon Datum06.06.2024 StadtBatu Pahat FeedbackPacking is very good and the product quality is good. But the shipment cost is a bit expensive but still the services from this websites is very commendable. Bewertung
4 out of 5
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Namesaorin chin Datum06.06.2024 StadtPhnom Penh FeedbackFast Delivery Bewertung
5 out of 5
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NameMiamiSnoopy305 Datum06.06.2024 StadtMIRAMAR FeedbackPleased with the entire process once again. ZenMarket worked on behalf of my best interests every time. And for that, I am very thankful. A++ Bewertung
5 out of 5
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NameAB Datum06.06.2024 StadtTallinn FeedbackOnce again Zenmarket did it perfectly with packaging.
Was very worried if contents of the package would get damaged in longest transit so far of about 18 days, which was first time in 1.5 yrs of service.
The books arrived with all corners in pristine condition.
Thank you.
5 out of 5
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Name1st Time User Datum06.06.2024 StadtVerborgene Informationen FeedbackI used many proxies in the past and Zen by far is the easiest to use.
Received my 1st shipment and everything was securely wrapped.
5 out of 5
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NameNikola Datum06.06.2024 StadtBelgrade FeedbackStigao paket.
Srećan sam.
5 out of 5
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NameZarker Dst Datum05.06.2024 StadtPalm Desert FeedbackWell packaged ..product descent nothing extraordinary Bewertung
3 out of 5
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Nameluciel Datum05.06.2024 StadtVerborgene Informationen Feedbacksuper fast shipping and the price for it to ship wasnt all that bad either! super satisfied with my order :D Bewertung
5 out of 5
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NameVivasvath J Weerasekara Datum05.06.2024 StadtNugegoda FeedbackExcellent packing with care. I got my package today after 13 days of transit in EMS. This was my first order from ZenMarket and I'm delighted with the service. Thank you ZenMarket!!! Bewertung
5 out of 5
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NameTonia Debus Datum05.06.2024 StadtDuisburg FeedbackAbsolut zufrieden! Top Abwicklung! Top Kommunikation! Sehr freundlich und kundenorientiert! Gerne immer wieder! Bewertung
5 out of 5
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